Key West Florida Fishing Report
Day with mom and pop
Today was an awesome day fishing with my parents. We had done some reef fishing the day before and caught some really nice Yellowtail snappers. Our plan was to switch it up and fish out deep for some bigger snappers. As we headed out to the wreck I planned to fish I saw a bunch of Tuna breaking the surface eating some bait. I had just enough time to cast a plug on the boil and hooked up right away. We landed one big tuna before the fish when down. We continued our way to the wreck where we crushed the fish. We caught Jacks, Vermilion, Tuna, Mutton and , True reds one after the other. With almost no room in the cooler my mom hooked into one last monster fish. After a long fight she landed our best fish of the day boating a 30 lb Cubera snapper.
Power 6 hour
We had our sights set on big fish so that what we did. We skipped the reef and started out deep. We anchored the boat up on a wreck in 250 feet and never need to move. We caught Amber Jack one after the other till our arms were spent. We than put our focus on some snappers and it wasn’t long till we had more than enough for dinner. Some days the fish just jump in the boat as fast as you put the lines out. Its not always like that but got to love it when it is.
Key West Private Fishing Charters
big sharks and snappers
Today we headed out on a 6 hour charter with a group of 6 guys. We started our day off catching yellowtail snappers and a few monster sharks. We later moved out to the deep and caught a few Amber Jacks and some big Barracudas. We had nonstop action all day from the reef to the deep wrecks. All in all it was a perfect day in the water with some awesome guys.
Christmas Day
more inshore mayhem
Well again mother nature wanted to keep us at the dock but the bite has been way to good for that. We again stayed close to home in the calm inshore waters. We anchored the boat in about 30 feet this time and put the lines out. We had a slow start not getting a touch for the first 10 minutes. Once we hooked our first fish it was like the flood gates opened and we hooked fish after fish for the next 3 hours. Today again most boats stayed home but not us. I will always go all out for my clients to do whatever must be done to have an awesome day. Today we had a plan and stuck to it and it paid off. it really could not have been a more perfect day.
Inshore slay
Some days mother nature is doing here best to keep us at the dock. Today nothing was stopping us we had a game plan and were ready. With high winds out of the north we decided to stay inshore and work some areas of reef. As we headed out just a few miles from Key West we had light rain most of the morning. Lucky for us the fish didn’t seem to mind the rain or wind one bit, because after anchoring the boat up on a reef in about 25 feet we had nonstop action. We hooked Mutton after Mutton and even mixed in a few other really cool by species. We were catching so many nice snappers we started tagging and releasing legal sized fish because we had far more than we needed for dinner. Today was a perfect day of fishing with anything but perfect weather. This just goes to show you always trust in your guide we know where to go when things look nasty out. We are here for you and want nothing more than to make every trip a trip of a lifetime.
kings and yellowtails
Today was a great day I got to take out some local snowbirds. I have a few groups of guys that charter me a few times each winter and I always look forward to getting on the water with them. Today we headed west and started our day on the bar doing some Yellowtailing. In between catching Yellowtails we loaded the livewell with Speedos that we had planed to use for live bait later. After loading the livewell and the cooler we switched gears and put out the live Speedos in search of Wahoo. It wasn’t long and we had our first bight. After a good fight we landed a big King not a Wahoo. We landed a few other big Kings but couldn’t find a wahoo before heading in on our 6 hour charter.
4 hours of fun
Today I had another action packed day. We headed to a wreck in 150 feet of water. The action was so good never even needed to move after that. Catching snappers, jacks, mutton, barracudas and more. It was a blast of a day with some great guys. All in all it was a perfect day of fishing.
Fun 4 hour trip
Today was an absolutely perfect day on the water. We headed out at 8 am just looking for some big fish to bend the rod. We started by catching some nice Yellowtail snappers. The bite was not as hot as I would have liked so we soon moved out to some deeper wrecks. We made our first stop on a tug boat in 90 feet. We again landed a few fish but nothing to exciting so we moved once more. We anchored the boat up on a wreck in 220 feet where we landed a few awesome fish before heading home.
Full day of fun
Today was a a super fun day with one of my best repeat clients. This group of Canadians comes down to see me 2 or 3 times a year. We started our day on the reef catching lots of Yellowtail snappers and a few big sharks. After we had some meat in the cooler and were all a little wormed up we slid out to the deep for some big snappers. It didn’t take us very long and we started getting some big ones on the line. We hooked a lot of big fish the sharks took a few and we landed a few. By the end of the day we had a nice haul of fish.
Fun with Friends
Had some of my local buddies Vince and his family come out fishing with me today. As we planned our trip the weather looked great up until the day of the trip. The wind was blowing , but we didn’t let that stop us from having a great day on the water. We started on the reef catching some yellowtail snappers in about 60 feet of water. After we had a few really nice tails in the box we headed to one of the many wrecks we have of the coast here in Key West looking for some big mutton snappers and groupers. We lost a few and landed a few really nice fish before heading in to cut out our catch. What could have been a bummer of a day stuck on land turned out to be a great day on the water with friends.
HOT inshore action again
Today with strong winds and high seas offshore we stayed close to the island and we were not disappointed. We landed big sharks up to 200 lbs, groupers, and some awesome mutton snappers that we kept for dinner.
We still had to work at it trying a few spots but once we got on the fish the action was more than steady. Its so awesome that we can almost always go fishing here in Key West. Regardless of weather conditions its very rare that we cancel any of our trips.
Fishing Charters Key West Florida
The option of flat come seas in Key West near shore waters is phenomenal. I love being in calm seas catching big fish and making my clients happy all without anyone throwing up over the side.
Last Minute 4 Hour trip
Got a last minute call today from an awesome family of 5. We headed out for a 2pm to 6pm trip with action and calm seas. I headed for a calm area with some great shallow reef spots. We had such a great time. We landed fish after fish more than we could count. We landed all kinds of snappers and even a few species of grouper. After keeping what we needed for a nice fish dinner we headed home to a beautiful Key West sunset .
Reef action packed 4 hour
Today we started our day by trolling the beautiful reef here in Key West. We trolled 2 large deep diving plugs around the reef for about and hour. We landed 1 beautiful black grouper and a few Barracudas.
With not as many bites as we had hoped we switched gears and tried our luck anchored up on the reef. I move to a beautiful patch of reef in about 70 feet that I frequent often
After putting the chum bag in and getting the lines out it wasn’t long and we landed a bunch of nice Yellowtail snappers and one big Mutton.
Best Key West Fishing Charters
Trip 2 of the day
After my morning trip it was a quick turn around before I was loaded up with my next charter. My second charter was a group of 6 awesome young guys. We started our trip on the reef catching monster sharks and yellowtail snappers.
We landed 3 Lemon sharks all well over 200lbs and a fisty Bull shark in the 150lb range. After all the shark madness and some really nice yellowtail snappers we headed to a wreck in search of some mutton snappers.
It was not long and we had found exactly what we came for. We landed 5 muttons with 3 being legal before packing it in and heading back. Hope I get the chance to take these boys back out on the water again some day.
We had a blast out there cracking jokes and making life long memories.
Fishing in Key West Florida
First of double Half Days
Today I had back to back half day fishing charters. We headed out at 9 am due to some rain first thing in the morning. We didn’t let a little rain stop us as it was still sprinkling as we left Key West and headed south in the Atlantic Ocean. We made our first stop on a wreck in 90 feet but after a few small fish we soon moved out to the edge of the reef.
We had far better production on the edge of the reef. We landed 3 big sharks all over 100 lbs along with 1 stud Mutton snappers. We later set on the reef in about 60 feet where we landed some huge yellowtails before heading back to Key West to clean some fish before turning around and doing it all again.
Fishing in the Keys
4 hour reef/wreck action
Fishing Charters Key West Florida
Dont party before you fish
Today we had a morning half day charter with a great couple from Texas. We left the dock at 8 am and headed south to a wreck that has been red hot for me the last few weeks. Half way to our destination I could tell my crew was not looking so good. I asked if there were okay and they insisted they were fine but were hurting from all the parting they did the night before. Let me tell you the last thing you want to be is hungover on a rocking boat out in the sun. Please save the partying for after the trip and celebrate then.
I got the boat anchored on the spot and in just minutes we were hooked up. Our crew had to take turns on every fish. One would fight the fish as the other was blowing chunks then they would switch rolls. I will say they did hang in there for a good hour. At that time we managed to catch 3 big blacktip sharks and a few small jacks. It could have been an amazing day on the water but a little to much fun last night shut us down. With tired arms and empty stomachs, I took them home hours early. Glad to be back on solid ground we said our goodbyes and made plans to do this all again another day and do it right this time.
Key West Party Boat
Afternoon action
Today we got a little extra sleep since we were leaving the dock at 4 pm on a half-day charter. I love fishing evenings the last four hours of light are just as good if not better than the first four. We started our day on the edge of the reef in search of some snappers and sharks. The current was nonexistent and that’s not good for fishing on the reef.
We did manage to catch a few small fish in our short time on the reef before pulling anchor. We then moved to a wreck in 170 feet and had no need to move after than. We caught Blacktip sharks as fast as we put a line in the water. We also landed lots of blue runners and a few Bonita before heading home to Key West.
Mahi and Sharks
Today we headed out early with our sights set on catching Mahi Mahi. We started fishing on a nice weedline in 700 feet and had no luck. I also found 2 huge bamboo logs, in 1100 feet of water, that should have been loaded with fish. Just before we were about to give up ,we got the bite we had been hoping for. After a good fight, we boated a nice 25 lb Mahi Mahi. We gave it another 30 minutes hoping to strike gold again, but it was not meant to be. After 4 hours, we decided to head in and fish a wreck with the last bit of time we had left. After setting up on the wreck in 170 feet we started getting bites right away. We ended up landing a few smaller sharks and a nice sized Black Tip shark before heading home.
Big Bites at Sunset
Our trip today was an afternoon/evening run. We left the dock at 2 pm and would be coming back around 8 pm when the sun was setting. We started our trip on the reef in search of Yellowtails and sharks, but unfortunately the current was less than conducive for this style of fishing. We didn’t stay there long, so we switched gears and tried the edge of the reef. On our first deep stop, we landed a few small sharks and one big Sandbar shark about 120 pounds.
Key West group fishing charters
We had a blast with the sharks, but now had our sights were set on catching snappers and groupers. We ended up moving a few miles and re-anchored the boat in about 130 feet on a small wreck. This wreck was just a few hundred feet off the edge of the reef. We didn’t get a lot of bites but the ones we did get were all worthy fish. We first landed a beautiful Black grouper in the 25 pound range. Next, we landed a monster Lemon shark in the 300 pound range. With just a few minutes left to fish, we hooked a slob Mutton snapper that was easily 15 pounds or more. After a quick picture, we pulled anchor and headed home with a beautiful front row view of the world famous Key West sunset.
4 Hour Fun
We headed out this morning at 8 am. from Garrison Bight. Today I was running a charter for my old boss whom I worked for for almost 7 years. We headed South and anchored the boat in about 60 feet of water. We put the chum in the water and had our sights set on Yellowtail Snappers. In addition, we also had lines out for grouper and sharks.
Half-day Fishing Key West
It was not long until we started catching some nice Yellowtails. As a bonus, we also got a few big Nurse sharks (close to 200 pounds), a nice Mangrove, and Mutton snapper. With more than enough snappers for dinner and some tired arms from sharks, we decided to switch it up and do some trolling. I headed out just off the edge of the reef in about 120 feet and we put the lines in. We landed a few small Bonita and one big one before packing it in and getting back to Key West in time for lunch.
4 Hours Tuna and Sharks
We got to the dock early and left Key West at around 7am. It was then that we pointed the bow south and charged offshore in search of Mahi Mahi and Tuna. It was not long until we found a great weedline, but were disappointed that there were no Mahi on it. We pushed further offshore and found some birds feeding on the water. These birds led us to a few Bonita and one nice Skip Jack Tuna. Usually anything you find floating offshore is covered in Mahi and all sorts of other life but not today. There were even two huge bamboo sections that ended up being empty.
Tuna Fishing Key West
After catching a few short Mahi throughout the morning, the action was just not what I had hoped. It was then that we pulled the lines in and headed for one of my favorite wrecks for better action. We got to the spot, anchored the boat up, and put the lines out. It was no more than 5 minute and we finally had the action we were looking for. We caught a lot of sharks and jacks (we even lost a few groupers in the wreck) before packing it in and heading for port back on Key West.
Father Son Fun
Today was an absolute blast! I got to take a very enthusiastic young man and his dad out fishing. We started on the reef for a bit of Yellowtail Snapper action as a warm up. After that, we moved out to a wreck in 170 feet where we started catching Blacktip sharks one after the other.
Sport fishing in Key West Florida
In between the sharks, we also got a big Barracuda witch was an awesome surprise. Today was a great day here in Key West. We had perfect condition which is obvious from the pictures. It is so much fun to take young anglers that have such love for fishing. Its a nice reminder of how I was as a child. I could hardly go more than a day with out wetting a line and seeking that thrill of a bite.
Mini Season Day 2
After catching more lobsters than we could eat in a week on day 1, we decided to spend day 2 of mini season fishing. We headed out away from all the madness and parked the boat on my favorite Yellowtail spot in about 55 feet. We tossed the chum in the water and, in no time, we were catching some nice tails for dinner. After putting more than enough in the cooler for dinner (and a few in the livewell), we headed to a deep wreck in 160 feet of water. We landed a lot of Barracuda, few sharks, and even a nice Mutton Snapper before heading in to filet our catch. Another mini season in the books and what a blast it was! I hope to see the same awesome crew back next year.
Mini Lobster Season Day 1
Mini lobster season here in the Keys is as big as New Years Day everywhere else. These are some crazy fun days to be on the water or even just in town. The dive shops are packed with people getting last minute gear and the marinas are packed with boats in every slip. Mini season consists of 2 days, Wed and Thurs, starting about a week before the regular season opens.
While is it definitely not easy, catching lobster can be so much fun. I would say, though, that you need to be comfortable in the water with both swimming and snorkeling. The more freediving experience you have, the better. Most of the spots I go to hunt for lobsters are between 8 and 15 feet deep. This depth can make it tough for some get down to the bottom if they don’t know what to expect.
This year, I had a husband and wife with their 2 boys and we has a blast! The boys and their father were very comfortable in the water, but the Mrs stayed in the boat, drank wine, and took a lot of pictures. By days end, we had just shy of our limit, leaving many legal lobsters behind for tomorrow. It was another perfect day on the water with calm seas and lots of smiles.
Deep Drop Fun
Today was the 4th and final day with Mike and his two sons. We had the opportunity to catch a little of everything in the last 3 days, so today had endless possibilities. The boys really loved the deep dropping so that is what we decided to focus on. We left the dock at 8 am, and headed about 12 miles west of Key West before we set up for our first test drift of that day. The bottom bite was red hot with so many different species. We caught Rose fish, Blue Line Tile fish, Snowy Grouper, and more. After catching a ton of fish on the electric reel, we even started catching a few really nice fish on hand crank. Now, mind you, we were in depths over 600 feet which is a long way up with a fish and heavy lead on the line.
Key West deep sea fishing charters
Today was a fun day full of surprise fish and lots of laughs. I couldn’t ask for better clients than Mike and his boys. The love they have for fishing and the bond we now have after fishing together for multiple years is awesome. I can’t wait until next time so that we can do it all over again.
Day 3: Jacks
The boys wanted to switch it up today and do something that they have yet to do before.We started our day on the reef catching Blue Runners and Yellowtails to put in the livewell. After loading the livewell, we headed to a wreck, in 300 feet of water, that always has Amber jacks on it. We got to the wreck, dropped the heavy set up, and held on with both hands. It wasn’t but a few minutes before we were tight on the first rod. We got a bite on the second rod, but the hook pulled right away. After a backbreaking 10 min fight,we had our first of many Amber jacks in the boat. We made drift after drift , catching Amberjacks. We even landed a big Sand Bar shark on mono by accident. With very tired backs and arms we headed in ready for one more day to battle with some monster fish.

Round 2: Mahi Mahi
Heading out on day 2 (this time for a full day) in search of Mahi Mahi. We, again, headed South out of Key West for a good 15 mile run , but we found the fish. The bite was non-stop first thing in the morning. We were catching Mahi 2 or 3 at a time. After boxing more than a few decent Mahi, we pressed on to look for a monster one. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any monsters. In fact, as the sun got high in the sky the bite slowed down, so we decided to switch gears.
Key West offshore charters
We headed in a few miles to some of my favorite deep dropping spots. I brought the electric reel out and plugged it in. After a quick lesson in using the electric reel, the kids were having a blast and landing lots of cool and exotic fish they have never seen (or even heard of). We landed Blue Lint Tile fish, Rose fish, Bearded Brotula, and a little Snowy Grouper. The beauty of deep dropping is that you never know what’s going to happen down there at depths between 500-900 feet. We had a day full of Mahi laughs and new species; time to head home and do it all again tomorrow.

Just a Warm Up
This week, one of my favorite charters is back again to fish with me. We are fishing 4 days total, but only fishing a half day as a bit of a warm up on day 1. We headed south of Key West at 8 am in search of major action. After about a 20 minute boat ride, we arrived at an area of reef that is great for snapper fishing. Near the full moon in July, the Mangrove snapper spawn on the reefs here in Key West so I was very confident we’d see a lot today. We dropped the anchor and the rest was history.
We landed more snappers than we could have kept track of. There were so many that we were keeping only the biggest Mangrove and Yellowtail snappers. We even had to let plenty of legal sized fish go. In addition, we landed a few sharks up to 200 lbs and a monster Yellow jack. The 4 hours flew by and we were soon back at the dock cleaning fish so that Mike and his 2 sons could enjoy them for lunch. Another, near perfect, half day with all the action we could handle and a few surprises thrown in. It’s days like today that just can’t be beat. Time to get ready for round 2 and crush it again.

Sunset, Snorkel, and Snapper
We headed out on another half hay today, but we left the dock at 4:30pm. Our plan was to do a little snorkeling and, as the sun was getting low, get in some snapper fishing. We headed south out of Key West into the Atlantic. I made my first stop on a beautiful reef spot for snorkeling but the water was a tad murky. We ended up running a few more miles to another shallow reef which was much much cleaner. After lots of swimming, cannonballs, and looking at all the beautiful sea life, we dried off and got the fishing gear ready.
After a short mile run, we were on top of my favorite snapper spot. We caught countless Yellowtail snappers, some Mangroves, and even a big Mutton. Mixed in with all that action, we also got some Barracudas and one big shark. After taking lots of pictures and watching a beautiful Key West sunset, we headed home just before dark.

Florida Fishing Trips Key West
Snapper Action
Today, we headed out on a little half day; it was a father and his 2 sons. We parked the boat and released the chum in about 60 feet of water. It wasn’t long and we had Yellowtails balled up behind the boat. We were catching Yellowtails one after the other and having a blast. As we were reeling in one of our snappers, a Barracuda grabbed him and ripped the fish in half, leaving only the head. I quickly unhooked the head and put it on a rod rigged specifically for this situation. We tossed the head back in the water and the Barracuda crushed it immediately. After a good fight, we boated him for a few pictures before letting him go.
Before heading home, we got one more awesome bite from a big Yellow jack that came right up to the back of the boat. All in all, another great day on the water. We had nonstop action along with a few surprise big fish mixed in. After cutting up our catch, the boys and their father headed off to a restaurant to have there fresh catch prepared. Half day fishing charters are an awesome way to get your day started in paradise. We usually get back to the dock at 12Pm; the perfect time for a fish lunch and lot’s of leftover time to explore the island.

Mahi and Then Some
Today was another great day of offshore fishing here out of beautiful Key West, Florida. We loaded up and headed out at 7am. We were is search of Mahi so we headed South out of Key West into the Atlantic. After about a 45 min ride, we came across a huge weedline with lots on little birds. This was exactly what we were looking for. The lines went in, and in no time we had 3 fish on at the same time. We could have caught these little Mahi till our arms fell off, but we pressed on after catching 10 or so to look for bigger fish. After about 2 hours of steady bites, but still all smaller fish, we decided to switch gears.
We headed in a little bit shallower to do some deep dropping. We got out the big electric reel and sent some baits down 500 to 700 feet. There were none stop bites here as well. We were catching Rose fish, Blueline tile fish, Golden tile fish and Snowy grouper. With our limit of most of our deep water fish in the cooler, we had just enough time to make one last stop. On our way in, we made a drift over a deep wreck in about 320 feet. Barely 1 minute into the drift, we hooked a monster fish. After a long fight, my 2 very determined angers were successful. It was a monster Amber jack that I would guess was in the 70 lb range. With what could only be described as a perfect day, we headed back to the dock to clean some delicious fish for dinner.

Offshore Fishing Key West
Careful What you Wish for
Today was another great day on the water. The seas were less than 2 feet and there was just enough breeze to keep us cool. The request today was snappers and groupers. I left Key West and headed South to hit a spot I know and love for some Yellowtail snappers. We put the chum in and, not long after, started catching a lot of legal Yellowtails. With enough for dinner, we headed to a wreck in about 180 feet of water.
We got to our new spot and put the chum back in the water, which had the Blue Runners going crazy. I rigged a very heavy rod with some line and a hook to match. We then quickly hooked a Blue Runner and sent him down to the wreck for what we hoped would be a Black grouper. We soon hooked up and had more than our hands full.
It was a full team effort to land what we soon learned was no small Black grouper. Looking down in the crystal clean blue water, we could see a beast-of-a fish starting to float up the last 60 feet or so. It was a monster Goliath grouper that was over 200 lbs (by my guess). After some pictures and a lot of high fives, we did our best to vent the beast and send it on its way. We made a few more unsuccessful drops on the wreck before leaving. We pulled the hook on one nice fish and got busted off in the wreck by another. All in all another great day with some great guys.

Best deep-sea fishing in Key West
Fun in Just 4
I Headed out of Key West again today on a little 4 hour / half day trip. Today’s goal was action! The goal was to have a fun day on the water with lots of bites and laughs. We hit the nail right on the head today with that request. I decided to start the morning off on a section of reef that I absolutely love to fish. This group had their sights on Yellowtail snappers so we anchored the boat and put out the chum. It was not long before we had the Yellowtails coming in one after another. Throughout the day, we also landed a large Nurse shark and a few Barracudas.
We decided to go hit a deep wreck for the last hour and a half to try for some big ones since the day was already made. Our first bite was a good sized Amber Jack and not long after that, we landed 3 Mutton snappers and a big shark. It was finally time to head in for lunch.

Fishing Charters out of Key West
Today was one of, if not, the best 4 hour charter I have ever had. Without a doubt, this is a trip I won’t soon forget. The previous day I had fished for 6 hours and honestly didn’t have much to show for it; but that is just fishing, that is how it goes. One day you can’t get a bite to save your life and the next day the fish are jumping in the boat.
Today, I woke up feeling ready to prove myself and do better than yesterday and that’s exactly what I did. The charter and I loaded up and left at 7 am and parked the boat at 7:30 am. Our first stop was in 170 feet of water and not once did we need to move. We started with a 42 lb black grouper in the first 15 minutes. Shortly after, we landed 3 more Black groupers back to back to back. In the middle of tossing the 26, 22, and 20 pound groupers on ice, we landed a nice Amberjack about 30 lbs. Later, as a bonus, we got 2 sharks that weighed well over 100 lb. With today’s great bottom bite, we hardly had time for anything else. We did, however, manage to land 7 flag Yellowtail snappers all over 2 lbs in what little time we had remaining. Today was truly a perfect day. A day far beyond what I had planned or could of imagined.

Key West Fishing Trip Package
Monster Mangrove
Today we headed out again on a 3/4 day of wreck and reef fishing. We started our day catching a few Yellowtail snapper. In about 65 ft, we caught a monster 8 lb Mangrove snapper; reaching a new personal best aboard the ALL IN. With one amazing catch already in box, we decided to make a move and fish the edge of the reef in about 120 feet of water. We hooked and landed a few nice Mutton snappers along with 2, 100+lb, sharks. We hooked a few other nice snappers later in the trip. Unfortunately, the tax men (aka sharks) were a bit faster than we were and stole our catch before we could get them in the boat.

Key West Mangrove Snapper Fishing
Happy Accident
We left the dock at 8 am this morning for a 6 hr charter. We set up shop on the edge of the reef,(just to the west of KW) in search of some Mutton Snappers. While the bite was not as hot as it had been recently, we still ended up landing a big Sandbar Shark and a few Yellowtails. We then moved down the reef and tried another spot which was in about 120 feet of water. Our luck was not much better this time around and we ended with few little snappers and a couple sharks. That’s when I knew that it was finally time for something different.
I had seen some bird activity offshore and decided to switch gears and do some trolling. While we were in the process of clearing our bottom fishing lines, a big bull Mahi Mahi hit one of our baits that was just dangling in the water! Not one of us were prepared for this, out of the blue, bite. But as soon as we got everything in order, we had a good fight. We finally landed a beautiful 20lb Mahi.
We ended the day by trolling for the last 2 hours. There was a steady bite of Mahi, Bonito, Barracuda, and Skipjack tuna. Today may not have gone at all as planned, but it was still such a fun day on the water. You never really know what’s going to happen out there and that’s what makes it so much fun. No two days are the same and anything can happen.

Snappers and Jacks
Today was another action packed day aboard the ALL IN. We even had the Yellowtail snappers chewing on the chum bag. We were flipping tails in the boat one after another when suddenly a slob of a Yellow-jack came cruising into the slick. I quickly grabbed a Ballyhoo and flipped it out to the jack. The fish ate it so fast i’m not even sure the Ballyhoo hit the water. After a great fight and a few minutes, we had him in the boat. It was a perfect cherry on top of an already awesome day.

Key West Deep Sea Fishing Charters
Rough Seas and Mahi’s
Today I was back working on a boat I had fished on for over 6 years. The owner, Dan, needed a day off to be with family and I was more than happy to help. We headed out early today, around 7 am. When it comes to Mahi-Mahi fishing I like to think the early bird gets the worm.
The seas were a bit rough, but we had a salty crew so that was no matter. We headed south off the edge of the reef and soon found a weed-line and some birds. That was a good sign from the start, and we had a steady bite for the next 2.5 hours. With our trip coming to a close, we headed back towards the beautiful Key West. We got into calmer waters and grabbed a few quick pictures as a token to remember our awesome trip by. The seas made us earn our catch but the fish did not disappoint.

Key West Fishing Trips
Rough Winds Can’t Keep us Down
When the winds are high and the seas are rough, trust in your guide. On days like this, the shallow water and patch reef action is one of the best options. Today, we fished the shallow reefs, which is a fantastic alternative (and my go-to spot) when the seas are rough. When I say shallow, I mean 15 to about 40 feet deep. The seas outside the reef had about 6-8 ft waves. Whereas, the seas we fished today were around 1 to 3 ft; nothing more than a light chop. It may look rough outside, but always trust in your guide to show you a good time and to take you to where the fish are. Doug let me make the call in the morning on what the game plan for our half day of fishing would be. I’m happy to say I didn’t disappoint. We had non-stop action catching Yellowtails, Mangroves, and Mutton snappers for dinner. We even landed a few sharks over 150 lbs., along with a beast of a Mutton snapper in the 10 lb range.

Key West fishing excursions
Half Day Grouper Slay
The month of May is always a great time for catching groupers here in Key West. Today’s client, Mike, just wanted to go out and have some fun, so we planned a very hands-on and action packed day for him and his wife. We started our day catching Yellowtail snappers in about 60 feet of water. After non-stop action of catching Yellowtails we wanted to try our luck somewhere else. We moved to an area of reef in about 90 ft. of water to try our luck with the groupers. The tricky part about this spot is that you have to keep the groupers out of the razor sharp coral reef. This no easy task. Thankfully, Mike was up for the challenge! When they started to bite, he gave them everything he had; besting 3 out of 5 legal sized Blacks in about a 45 min span.

Deep-Sea Fishing in the Keys
Mutton Spawn
Today on our charter, we headed out at 8 a.m. for a full 8 hour fishing day. I had the pleasure of taking Micheal ( a repeat client of mine ) along with his 2 sons. We headed west about 15 miles before finally setting the boat up in 120 feet of water. The bite was red hot all day long; we loaded the boat with a lot of Mutton Snappers. During the time on our first spot, we also landed 2 Sand Bar Sharks over 100 lbs and a Nurse Shark close to 250 lb. After catching more fish for dinner than we could eat in weeks, we decided to head in to the reef and look for some Permit. It didn’t take long before we found what we were looking for! After catching and releasing several Permit, we headed home. Today was a perfect day – start to finish. Everything went exactly according to plan.

Muttons to Permit
Today the Monday bite was as good as it gets! At our first stop of the morning, we werte busy from the start and ended up catching 10 muttons. With a cooler full of fish already, we decided to spend the rest of our day chasing and site fishing Permit around on the reef. We ended up catching quite a few before heading back to Key West.

Mutton 2 This
Today is one of the earliest days in the spawn for the Mutton snappers. For the next week, the Mutton snappers bite should be off the chain. Even with the spawn just beginning, we managed to crush a cooler full of beautiful fish.

Sharks on Sharks
Today was a super fun day where we targeted sharks on our 6 hour trip. We landed 6 Black tips, 2 Sandbar sharks, 1 Lemon, and a nice little Hammerhead. Along with the sharks, we caught some snappers and a few other odds and ends fish on the bottom.

Shark Fishing Key West
Fun 1/2 Day Gulf Side
Today I had a group of guys that wanted to catch some Goliath groupers. We headed to a wreck in the Gulf of Mexico where we landed 4 big goliaths. We also landed this beautiful Cobia and a handful of snappers and sharks.

Half Day Fishing Trips Key West
Tournament Champions
For the last 2 days we have been fishing the annual shell tournament here in Key West Florida. The shell tournament is a charitable event put on by the Shell corporation every year down here. The tournament is a multi-species tournament where a vast variety of fish add to your score making it an interesting and challenging tournament. We constantly had to change gears change tackle and switch locations. This is my 1st year in the tournament as a captain and couldn’t be happier with the work of my crew. We lead the field on day one with the highest score out of all 30 boats. On day 2 we didn’t do as well and I was worried about where we would be in the standings. We ended up winning by just 5 points. With our score being 915 we took first in the center console division. The tournament was a lot of work but so much fun. It was a proud moment to climb up on stage with my anglers and receive our 1st place awards.

Key West Fishing Tournament
Father-son snappers
Snappers are so much fun. The bite has been great. We had an amazing 6 hour charter with this great father and son team.

Key West Guide
Snappers Jack’s and barracudas
Today we fished a 6 hour charter. We headed out again to the many wrecks and reefs here in Key West. We started our day catching yellowtail snappers and a few barracudas. We later went out to a wreck in 220 feet where the bite was red hot. We landed a few massive snappers and a few other bottom fish before heading home.

Key West Reef Fishing Charters
Snappers and a Bonus Cobia
Today we fished a 1/2 day reef and wreck charter. We started our day off catching really nice size Yellowtail Snapper in 55 ft of water. We then moved to a wreck for a short time before heading home. On our way home, just a few miles off of Key West, we saw a school of Cobia and hooked the biggest one in the group. It was a perfect way to end an already perfect day.

Snapper season is warming up
Today we fished a 6 hour charter on the wrecks and reefs off Key West. We started our day on a wreck in a 160 feet where we caught some Amber jacks. We later moved to the edge of the reef in a 120 feet where we caught mutton snappers. We also got a few more jacks along with some monster sharks.

Key West sport fishing charters
The Stuff Dreams are Made of
Today we had our sights set on catching a Goliath Grouper; and that’s exactly what we did! We landed 3 Goliath Groupers; our biggest being 200+ lbs. We also landed a lot of Spanish Mackerel, Cero Mackerel, and King Mackerel. The action was as good as it gets. I can’t wait to get back out there again.

Key West Goliath Grouper fishing
Many wrecks around Key West hold a lot of fish but no wreck near Key West holds more Barracudas then the Vandenberg. The bite on the Vandenberg for Barracudas has been lights out. Here’s just a few pictures of some of our recent catches.

Key West Barracuda Fishing
Today we fished a 6 hour trip. I headed west out of Key West and anchored up on one of my favorite wrecks in 250 feet of water. After anchoring the boat up, the action was non stop on the bottom; catching Mutton Snapper after Mutton Snapper. We also landed a nice Blackfin Tuna and multiple sharks over a 150 pounds including this Hammerhead Shark.

Key West Hammerhead shark fishing
Today we fished a wreck on the edge of the reef. The action was awesome we landed lots of groupers on one of my favorite wrecks. We also got a few nice mutton snappers on the edge of the reef. This dog snapper is a personal record aboard the “ALL IN” .

Best fishing in Key West
The Mutton Snappers here in Key West, Florida are hot. The only drawback is all that action brings the sharks out to play also. This mutton didn’t quite make it. That’s the way it goes in the Florida Keys. The sharks get the last say if you land the fish.