January 3rd – Snappers and Groupers
This is a picture of our catch from Christmas day. We fished a full day of 8 hours and had a great time. We caught lots of fish with calm seas and made some amazing new friends to spend the holidays with. This is just one of a few trips in the last few days of 2017. The fishing has been surprisingly amazing since hurricane Irma rattled the Florida Keys. I can’t wait to get back out there in 2018 and catch some fish!
January 4th – Tuna and Snapper
Today was a blast! I had an old friend from high school and his family come out and fish with me. It’s always fun to take old friends out and fish, but it’s even better when the fish are biting. We had a great 6-hour trip anchored up on a wreck in 190 ft. The day started off with landing some jacks, followed by some nice Mutton snapper. We raised a sailfish, but he was not interested enough to eat our live bait. We even hooked a few Blackfin tuna before heading home in time for lunch. One of our Blackfin tunas was easily 25 lbs.
January 12 – Two Days of Fun
The water and weather has been absolutely beautiful this week. This is Chris with his beauty of a black grouper. It is my third year captaining for Chris; he brings his 28 Mako to Key West yearly. This trip was great! We fished 2 full days and had a blast. We loaded the boat with live bait both mornings and headed out. Each day we caught mutton snapper, groupers, jacks, and much more. Looking forward to next year, guys!
January 13 – Snappers are Snapping

There’s nothing like a few delicious mutton snapper for dinner. I did a little scouting after my rainy half-day charter this morning. I can’t wait to get out there with clients and fill the cooler. With the temperatures colder than normal, we have had on more layers than usual these days. The cold is not a bad thing though, as it has got these snappers fired up and feeding!
January 22- Half Day, Sharks, and Snappers
Today I had another awesome group. There were 10 people that wanted to head out and fish a half-day; to accommodate such a large group, I called up my friend Brad who is two boats down from me at our dock. We each took five people and headed out. Brad fished the patch reefs and caught some snappers and red groupers while I headed out to the reef edge and caught some nice yellowtail snappers and one monster lemon shark. It took all 5 people and an hour fight, but we finally landed our trophy-sized Lemon shark. The fish was at least 300 lbs and over 8 feet long!
January 24 – Action-Packed Day
Today was truly a perfect day on the water. We made a game plan as we arrived at the boat and executed it to perfection. We headed out and loaded the boat with live bait straight away. After anchoring on our first spot, we immediately started catching blackfin tuna. Later in the day, we made a move to a different wreck because sharks started to eat all of our fish. On our new spot, we changed our focus to catch snappers and groupers. The bite was as good as it gets! With tired arms and a full cooler, we headed home.
January 28th – Flat, Calm Seas
Today was another great day fishing. We caught Blackfin tuna in the AM and snappers in the afternoon. It ended up being a perfect day on the water.
February 5th – Big Fish on the Bottom

Another fun day of bottom fishing on the ALL IN! We fished the edge of the reef in about 120 feet, where we landed snappers, groupers, and a few others of various species. While on anchor, we got to see a monster tiger shark that was easily 500 pounds. The shark came right up to the boat along with two sailfish that were chasing ballyhoo around the reef.
February 9th – Fun in the Sun
Today, I was out guiding some friends on their Conch 30 boat. This picture is featuring the birthday girl, Brenna, holding a beautiful Black grouper. Accompanying the grouper, we also caught two sharks (each over 300 lbs), amberjacks, a mutton snapper, and a lot of nice yellow-tail snappers just to name a few!
Feb 18 – Non-Stop Action
Today I finished a 6-hour trip with just one guy. Bram was great; he and I had an amazing day on the water Catching big Mutton snappers, a lot of amberjacks, and even a blackfin tuna. It was flat calm and non-stop action, leading to a perfect day.
Feb 20 – One-Stop Shop

Today we fished another 6-hour charter. After catching a few live baits on a marker, I anchored the boat on a wreck in 200 feet. We had no need to try another spot since there was non-stop action. With a full cooler and sore arms, we headed home.
February 27th – Small Seas and Big Kings

Today we did a little snorkeling and a little fishing. After swimming around and seeing all the beautiful fish, we decided to catch some of our own. We landed a few yellowtails and a couple of kings, including this smoker. William, age 10, did an awesome job landing this king mackerel. It was his first time ever fishing! Making memories that hopefully last a lifetime on the ALL IN – what’s better than that?
March 3rd – Wahoo!

I happened to have a day off and I just couldn’t resist the ocean’s call. I called my buddies Kody and Nikki and we headed out early in search of wahoo. It didn’t take long to see our first fish. Soon after that, Kody struck first and boated a nice 40 lb wahoo. 45 minutes later, I followed suit with a 45 lb wahoo of my own. We had gotten what we came for, so we headed home in time for lunch.
March 7 – All or Mutton

Today we left the dock at 1 pm so that we could let the wind die down and catch the sunset bite. After a quick stop for live bait, we headed out to a wreck in 190 ft. After positioning and anchoring the boat, we started fishing. If I’m being honest, it was a slow start. Eventually, I gave the fish a final 10-minute warning to start biting or we were leaving to try a new spot. Five minutes later, the bite started and never stopped.
March 15th – Mucho Muttons

Today we fished again on one of my favorite wrecks off the coast of Key West. After dropping the anchor rigging for the very strong current, we were ready. The bite was red hot and non-stop.
March 16th – Too Big for the Cooler

Once again I headed out to another wreck not far from the dock. This afternoon I had Shawn and Jay with me out for their second trip. The current has been quite strong lately and it definitely had the fish biting. We landed several mutton snapper, amberjacks, and sharks before Shawn landed this monster 50 lb. cobia.
March 20 – Double Double

Today was truly a perfect day. On my first of 2 trips, I started fishing a deep wreck in 180 feet. The mutton bite was red hot. We also caught a big sandbar shark and amberjack. With the cooler full and an hour of fishing time left, we switched gears and went looking for sailfish. It didn’t take long to spot our first fish and second sailfish. After landing both, we headed home.
April 1st – Perfect Evening

We had such a fun half-day this afternoon! We left the dock at 4 pm, hoping to catch the sunset and some fish – which is exactly what we did! After catching a monster shark and some huge yellowtail snappers, we headed out to a deep wreck. We were in search of a blackfin tuna and that’s exactly what we got.
April 2nd – Who Said “No Bananas”?
What an awesome day! We landed two monster sharks right away. We also caught lots of nice Yellowtail snapper and this monster mutton on our morning 4-hour trip. It was a perfect morning with everything going according to plan.
April 8th – Boat Day for the Birthday Girl
Yesterday afternoon and today, I got to take an awesome group of ladies out on the water. The girls had two awesome days full of snorkeling, drinking, dolphins, turtles, and just making lifelong memories. If it’s water-related, I’m your guy. Here at ALL IN charters, I do it all!
April 10th – Muttons for the Miami Boys
Today we fished another morning 4-hour trip. We started on the reef, catching some really nice-sized yellowtail snappers. After a bunch of tails were chilling on ice, we had a little fishing time left. We then moved out to a deep wreck in search of some mutton snapper. It turns out that’s exactly what we found!
April 11th – Permit Spawning Time
It’s finally that time of year again – that time when hundreds of permits gather on the wrecks and reefs off of Key West! This afternoon, we headed out for a little 4-hour trip. We had non-stop permit action – we must have hooked at least 20 permit. A few got away, but without a doubt, it was one fun afternoon.
April 13th – Tuna, Tuna, Tuna
Today was such a great day! We had calm seas and all the fish we could handle. The day started by catching live ballyhoo in hopes that we could turn them into some blackfin tuna. We went a few miles and anchored on a wreck in 260 ft. It didn’t take but a few minutes to hook our first fish. After landing it, we caught non-stop. In just a few hours, we had more blackfin tuna than the cooler could hold and finally headed home.
April 29th – Bucket List
Monster sailfish today! We spent most of the morning working hard to find a Sailfish. After a good hour and change without a bite, it all finally came together. After a long fight full of jumps and maneuvering, we had our trophy fish in the boat. After a quick photo, we revived the fish and sent her on her way.
May 1st – Opening Day
Regardless of the wind and slightly dirty water, we went out anyway. It was May 1st and opening day for grouper season so there was no way I was staying home. Took some work, but I got a really nice fish that made the whole day worth it.
May 23rd – Big May Blacks
Another beautiful day on the water! We fished a few of my favorite wrecks this morning. Unfortunately, we lost lots of fish to the sharks. This year they’ve been stealing far too many of our fish. We did, however, manage to land this beautiful black, a few nice amberjacks, and some yellow tails before heading home.
May 25th – Summertime is Monster Season
If you’ve been to Key West during the summer months, you know that the sharks rule the reef. Some days we do our best to avoid the monsters, but others we go out and face them head-on. Today, we landed multiple sharks over one hundred pounds! This beautiful 300-lb bull shark was one of our best.
June 12th – What a Day!
This past week in Key West, fishing has been about as good as it gets. My main focus has been on fishing the wrecks and reefs. Today, particularly, we caught a lot of Mutton snapper, Red snappers, Amber jacks, and Black groupers. If you love to go fishing, Key West Florida is the place to be during summertime!
June 13th – No More Room in the Box
Today was an epic day like no other. We started our day off mutton fishing on the edge of the reef. By midday, we had reached our limit of five mutton snappers each. We decided to head towards one of the many deep wrecks around Key West in search of black grouper. We landed several amberjacks before all the hard work finally paid off. In the end, we landed a beautiful 30-pound black grouper, followed by a 20-pound one back to back. That brought us to our limit of both snapper and grouper. With no room left in the cooler and tired arms and backs, we headed in about 30 minutes early.
June 19th – Two Perfect Trips
The last two days were perfect. We did an evening 6-hour, trip fishing the wrecks and reefs just a few miles off of Key West and landed eight mutton snapper, a beautiful black grouper, and a few monster sharks. On our next 6-hour day, we went offshore trolling for mahi-mahi. We had a steady bite all day! At the end of our charter, we had a box full of keeper fish before finally heading for home.
July 1st – Mahi Madness
With summer in full swing, the mahi-mahi bite is red hot. We have been catching lots of medium-sized fish with just a few throwbacks. Our best fish today was in the 25-pound range.
July 10 – Wrecked It Today!
What a fun day today! The young boys brought all the luck. We started our day catching yellowtails on the reef. After we had plenty of tail, we anchored close to one of my favorite wrecks. It didn’t take long before we had two monsters blacks in the boat and headed for home with a full load of fish.
July 28th – Quick 4-Hour Trip
Today we did a 4-hour trip on my friend Julian’s boat. This was due to mine being in the shop. We had an awesome group of people who really wanted to get offshore and try for some mahi. We found no debris or grass, though, so mahi fishing was tough. Julian and I found a big flock of birds with tuna busting under them. Quickly we switched gears and starting catching beautiful blackfin tuna. It wasn’t long before we had five or six in the box (and even a mahi!) and headed back home for lunch.
August 1st – Mahi and Wahoo
Today was almost a perfect day of fishing. We started off red hot catching mahi after mahi. In search of finding a larger fish, we left the line full of keeper-size mahi. After a few fish here and there we found our slammer dolphin pushing 25 lbs. Not long after that, we found a beautiful grass mat with debris where we could have sank the boat in mahi and even got a nice wahoo.
September 16th – Midday Mahi
Today we loaded up and left the dock at 9 am, our sights on mahi-mahi. Heading south out of Key West, we headed for deeper waters. Some days I only have go 10 miles to find some mahi. Today took a bit of running though, as I went close to 20 miles before putting lines in the water. In the end, it was totally worth it – we had all the mahi we could ask for. We fished for about 2 hours before heading home.
October 20th – 4 Hours of Fury
Today we fished a 4-hour trip out to the reef. It was a bit bumpy, but we hung in there. The bite was very good we caught big mangroves, yellowtails, sharks, and barracudas.
October 22nd – A Perfect Day on the Water
Today we fished a 6-hour charter. We went about 10 miles to the west of Key West and anchored up on the reef. We started our day off with yellow tails and sharks and ended our day with black groupers and mutton snappers.
October 27th – Evening Bite Was Insane
Today we fished another 6-hour afternoon charter. With the seas a little rough we headed out anyway, making our way around 10 miles west of Key West . We anchored up on a wreck in 120 ft. of water, where we immediately started getting bites. We lost a lot of fish to the wreck and more than a few to the sharks. We still did manage to load the cooler with mutton and four blacks before heading home, though.
November 15th – Power 6-Hour
Another great day fishing offshore Key West! Today we had a perfect 6-hour charter. We started our morning off catching blackfin tuna left and right. As the sun came up high the tuna bite shut off, so weswitched gears and started catching mutton snappers, sharks, barracudas, and jacks. Today was a perfect day of fishing where everything went according to plan. With a full cooler, we headed home. Come down to Key West and see what great offshore fishing is about!
November 26th – 4-Hour Wreck and Reef
Today we started our day off catching nice sized yellowtail snapper on the reef. We then fished a wreck in 140-ft. waters. We landed two huge mutton snappers and multiple sharks before heading in for lunch.
December 1st – Jacks on Jacks
Today was a super fun day! We started our day on the reef, catching yellowtail snappers for dinner. We then loaded the live-well full of blue runners, grunts, and yellowtail before heading out to a deep wreck. There, we had non stop action catching amberjacks and a few other species. We even lost a few to the sharks, as you can see!
December 22nd – Muttons Munching
Today I fished a full day with an awesome family. We started our day off on the reef, catching yellowtail snappers and a nice yellow jack. We later moved deeper anchoring on a deep wreck in about 190 feet. There the action was non-stop: we caught 10 mutton snappers and kept 7. It was a perfect day on the water!
December 23rd – Fun in Just 4 Hours
Today we fished a quick little 4-hour charter. We started off our day catching a lot of yellowtail snappers; after we had our limit, we moved to deeper waters in search of bigger snappers and some grouper. That was exactly what we found!
December 27th – Winter Bite is Hot!
Today I fished a full day charter. We started our day on a wreck in 190 feet where we landed a beautiful African Pompano. We later moved spots to the edge of the reef, where we started catching muttons and groupers almost immediately. After landing 3 muttons, 2 blacks, and a few jacks we repositioned again, this time on a wreck in 120 feet, where we landed another couple of muttons, a big black, and multiple barracudas.